• Schrödinger’s Memory Manager

    Schrödinger’s Memory Manager Besides the practice of writing software it’s self, there are few activities more engaging for a software developer, than to watch other developers argue about software development in social media. I’ll admit that while I usually abstain from taking part in such arguments, I am often tempted, and sometimes actually do stoke…

  • Delphi, the best kept secret.

    Delphi, the best kept secret. I tire of hearing it. Who uses Delphi? Isn’t it old? It’s niche? Can I get a job in it? Around 20 years or so of hearing the same ill-considered non-sense perpetuated. It’s time to set the record straight, and to be honest too. Introduction There’s a lot of negative…

  • Memory Safety and Object Pascal

    Memory Safety and Object Pascal Introduction The U.S. government recently made an appeal to the software development industry, to stop using C and C++, and to favor “Memory Safe” languages instead. Object Pascal is recognized by the NSA as a memory safe language, however, there does seem to be some misunderstanding in the community about…