Bowling Challenge Solution
Bowling Challenge Solution. For my YouTube channel, I recorded myself solving the Bowling Challenge. This challenge isn’t entirely new to me, I’ve solved it once before as part of the hiring process for an employer. That was several years ago however, and while I remembered that this was an entertaining challenge, I remembered little about…
Schrödinger’s Memory Manager
Schrödinger’s Memory Manager Besides the practice of writing software it’s self, there are few activities more engaging for a software developer, than to watch other developers argue about software development in social media. I’ll admit that while I usually abstain from taking part in such arguments, I am often tempted, and sometimes actually do stoke…
Delphi, the best kept secret.
Delphi, the best kept secret. I tire of hearing it. Who uses Delphi? Isn’t it old? It’s niche? Can I get a job in it? Around 20 years or so of hearing the same ill-considered non-sense perpetuated. It’s time to set the record straight, and to be honest too. Introduction There’s a lot of negative…