• Memory Safety and Object Pascal

    Memory Safety and Object Pascal Introduction The U.S. government recently made an appeal to the software development industry, to stop using C and C++, and to favor “Memory Safe” languages instead. Object Pascal is recognized by the NSA as a memory safe language, however, there does seem to be some misunderstanding in the community about…

  • The costs and benefits of Interfaces.

    The costs and benefits of Interfaces. Introduction I’m a fan of interface driven development in Delphi, and I am not quiet about that. Like any syntax feature however, it’s important to understand both the benefits, and the costs of the feature. Interfaces have several great benefits, but of course they also come with costs.Today, I’m…

  • Why not GitHub? – Because not Git…

    Why not GitHub? – Because not Git… If you feel you’re having “De ja vu”, this is possibly the third time that I’ve written about not using GitHub, or more specifically, not using Git. I’ve wrestled with this problem for several years now, and finally, I’m just done trying to use GitHub to host my…